For the week starting Monday December 6, the following posts are in the blog's pipeline:
1. The work of a photographer/photojournalist, whose website is a delight. I chose his work on Italian traditions...I seldom showcase European subject matters, so this one will partially make up for this.
2. The work of another photographer with an interesting reportage on the Sea Nomads.
3. The diverse portfolio of a travel photographer...large images!
4. Interesting photographs by an Indian photographer of Mexico..
5. An interview with a Bangladeshi photographer will be featured.
Will another hint as to my forthcoming photo~expedition be disclosed? Maybe. And I should be receiving the first copy of another book of my photographs...all black & white...made during my long love affair with India...I'll keep you posted. Oh, its title is Darshan.
Plus other posts "shot from the hip" as the week goes on.
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